By Jordan Mcgregor- Founder Bare and Boho, Australia.
As a new mother choosing to navigate the world of reusable cloth nappies and accessories as alternatives for my son, I definitely felt overwhelmed by all the options available!
And it wasn’t long into my journey, that I decided to launch my own range of eco-friendly cloth nappies and accessories based on inefficiencies I found with options I was using, and so my brand Bare and Boho was created!
My passions extend to spreading awareness about reusable, washable, affordable and accessible alternatives for families- as ways to save them money, but most importantly because of the damaging effect disposable items have on our health and environment.
Along the way, I have connected with some wonderful innovative solutions that help make the transition to cloth even simpler!
That led me down the path of connecting with the team behind “The STRUCKET”!
The STRUCKET is an innovative solution to household cleaning, and can become an extremely handy accessory to keep in your home!
When it comes to reusable, washable cloth items- such as cloth nappies and cloth menstrual pads- the STRUCKET is a useful aid to incorporate into your washing routine.
Below is a useful guide for washing your cloth nappies and pads, using the STRUCKET as an essential aid! Have fun cleaning and good luck!
Modern cloth nappies:
General washing routine:
- Briefly hand rinse soiled insert under laundry tap to remove any excess waste.
- For faeces: shake waste off the insert into toilet/ use toilet paper to scrape off solids and flush/ use a toilet spray attachment to spray solids into the toilet. *may choose to rub tuff stuff stain remover on at this point for a deep cleanse.
- Squeeze excess water out, then place in the strucket until ready to wash. Ensure all items are unsnapped
- Reusable/disposable liners: remove waste from liner by shaking waste into toilet- place disposable liner in your garbage or reusable liner in dry pail until wash day.
- Washing day: remove strainer basket from the Strucket and tip contents (shells, inserts, and boosters) into the washing machine as they can be washed together.
- Pre-wash cycle: (cold/warm/max. 30 degrees) this removes excess soiling prior to main wash (max. 1/2 recommended dosage detergent for your machine). Best to use a rinse cycle that removes the dirty water.
- Long heavy cycle: (choose longest option) (max 30-60 degrees). Use half/ full recommended dosage of detergent for your load size. Use double dosage if choosing to use an eco/plant-based washing detergent.
- Recommended: add general household laundry to if not washing enough nappies to fill 2/3 of the machine when wet. It will decrease dramatic spin on nappy shells.
- Drying inserts/boosters: drying in direct sunlight or air dry is recommended. Tumble-dry on lowest/delicate setting only. No fabric softener.
- Drying shells: shade dry only with patterned side facing upwards. Do not tumble dry or dry in direct sunlight any products containing pul as this can damage and will void your warranty.
Deep cleanse:
If you require a deep cleanse of the absorbent components of your nappies such as inserts or boosters, due to inadequate washing routine, ammonia or soap build-up, or have bought second-hand nappies, then a refresh may be required.
*Not recommended as a regular part of your washing routine as it can be very intensive.
*PUL items not recommended.
Below is a handy guide 2-step guide to sanitising nappies, and stripping excess soap/soiling that implements the STRUCKET as a super useful accessory!*
Stripping Wash:
- Per STRUCKET add 1/8 cup Napisan (with enzymes) + 4 Tsp high-quality laundry powder or 1/4 cap high-quality laundry liquid. If choosing eco detergent, double-quantities listed above for effective wash. (Earth Choice Laundry soaker and In-Wash Booster is the recommended CCNDU eco option.)
- Fill STRUCKET with hot water (not above 60 degrees C) and dissolve cleaning solution.
- Add inserts/boosters and soak for 4 hours, stirring occasionally.
- Use STRUCKET tap to strain soiled water. Press inserts/boosters down so that excess water wrings out through the strainer bucket.
- Lift out strainer bucket and tip contents into the washing machine.
- Pre-wash followed by a main wash, no detergent, on cold/warm- this removes the cleaning solution.
Sanitising Wash:
- Following the above process is essential to neutralise and decrease any bacteria/ammonia.
- Inserts/boosters to be washed on a HIGH-TEMPERATURE wash cycle. (No PUL fabric recommended).
- Add clean and previously stripped inserts/boosters to washing machine with detergent. Run Sanitise option on the machine at 90/95 degrees C.
- Run 1-3 HOT washes with detergent to deep clean the cleaning solution from the Strip.
*(Recipe& guide created by Clean Cloth Nappies Down Under- industry leaders in cleaning methods for MCN’s keeping in mind individual manufacturer’s directions for your particular nappy.)
Modern Cloth Menstrual Pads:
- Rinse used cloth pad once removed under the tap, cold water only, to remove excess fluids.
- Place inside the STRUCKET and fill slightly with cold water to allow for full immersion soaking of pads for 6-12 hours.
- When ready to wash, use the STRUCKET tap to drain soiled water. If machine washing, tip strainer bucket into the washing machine for a cold wash.
- Regular detergent/double dose of eco detergent recommended.
- For hand-washing: Instead of tipping into the washing machine, follow other steps above, and then use “Tuff Stuff Stain Remover Bars” or other natural vegan soap/detergent to create a lather on the pad and wash under hand tap (cold water only).
- Dry inside or outside with the absorbent layer of Organic Cotton facing up towards sunlight.
Avoid bleach, dry-cleaning, tumble drying, and fabric softeners.
Ensure pads are completely dried through before storing away and using.
For further information about making the switch to cloth reusable alternatives, please feel free to browse our store: or follow us on our Instagram @bareandboho.